Our Services
Daytona Tutoring helps parents of students by offering professional tutoring services to help your high school or college student to help them reach their academic goals. Whether your child is struggling with concepts in one of the core curriculum areas or they need to be challenged to remain interested in education, private tutoring may offer a solution.
About East Florida Educational Services
With online tutoring, learning can happen anytime. Our learning technology allows our clients to learn in the convenience of their own home while retaining all the benefits of a one-on-one private tutoring session. In addition, students can even use file sharing and uploads on the whiteboard so tutors can view assignments. Even shy students will learn more because they will ask more questions in our safe environment. They will also find learning easier with less frustration because EFES determines clients™ learning styles and teaches to that style.
Some options included for free are enhanced privacy/anonymity and security. All sessions are recorded for security and learning convenience. Web cameras are not necessary to enhance your convenience or comfort.
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Our Testimonials
I am very pleased to write this letter of recommendation for Daytona Tutoring. I was impressed that Rosabelle took full responsibility as a tutor to teach and motivate my son in his worse subject, math.
Lynette H.
Math StudentRosabelle was so patient, funny and really interested in my daughter's learning. She as a passion for teaching! In addition, she restored my daughter's self-confidence. She always created an innovated way to teach my daughter new concepts. Than you Rosabelle, and thank you Daytona Tutoring.